How can I look emotionless?

How can I look emotionless?

The easiest way to appear emotionless is to pay most attention to words, not the mood, feelings, or expressions made by others or you. It takes a good amount of time to achieve this, it took me about a year to show no emotions at all. Before, during, and after an emotional moment take deep breaths.

Can you actually become emotionless?

It is not uncommon that a person might be so overwhelmed by betrayal, disappointment, or other negative emotions that they would rather feel no emotion at all. While being truly emotionless isn't possible for most healthy people, you can sometimes benefit by appearing to be heartless in certain situations.

How can I be heartless and emotionless?

You cannot become heartless and emotionless until you start living on your instincts as any action you perform has some kind of thinking and consequently an emotion attached.

What does it mean to have no feelings?

Apathy is a lack of feeling, and can be associated with mental illness. But apathy can also be a short-term condition related to life events. I think with apathy, there's a lack of connection. The person doesn't feel it because they are mentally absent from the situation.