How can I help my autistic child with transitions?

How can I help my autistic child with transitions?

Slow Down – do not rush your child, give them transition warnings using verbal and visual supports and then lots of time to process and come to the transition when they are ready. Offer a Break – build in short breaks throughout the child's day to support their regulatory needs [movement, water, deep pressure].

How legislation can be used to support individuals with autism?

All major pieces of social care, health and equality legislation apply to people with autism, but have not been used with sufficient consistency to support them in practice. The strategy and guidance make it clear that this is not acceptable and call for a better use of existing law to support people with autism.

What is a person Centred approach autism?

Person-centred thinking is as important as the planning. It means that support staff hold person-centred values, and a belief that a person must have control in areas such as who supports them, what they do with their day, being listened to, and making decisions about their lives.