
How can I contact Rihanna?

How can I contact Rihanna?

Contact Rihanna's publicist. You can send fan mail to either the primary address in New York, or to their Los Angeles address. You can address your letter to Rihanna in care of Amanda Silverman. The primary address for 42 West is “220 West 42nd Street, 12th floor, New York, NY 10036”.

Who is Rihanna’s manager?

The Grammy-winning pop singer has parted ways with manager Marc Jordan and is now being managed by Jay-Z's Roc Nation Management. Rihanna told The Associated Press in a statement Wednesday that she's "so excited to take this next step in my career."

Who is Rihanna’s publicist?

Jonathan HayJonathan Hay (born December 16, 1973) is an American publicist and record producer. His music career started in the 1990s when he stumbled upon a recording studio while attending college in Louisville, Kentucky. Hay is most known for his work with "Pon de Replay", the debut single from Rihanna.