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How can I buy stamps without going to the post office?

How can I buy stamps without going to the post office?

How to Buy Postage Stamps Without Going to the Post Office

  1. Telephone and Mail-Order. Call 1-800-STAMP 24, or 1-800-782-6724, to order postage stamps over the phone and use your credit or debit card to make the purchase.
  2. Rural Mail Carriers.
  3. The Postal Store Online.
  4. Approved Postal Providers.
  5. Account.

Where can I buy USPS stamps?

To buy some, your local post office is a good place to start, but you don’t need to step foot in one — you can order them from the US Postal Service’s website. Grocery stores, pharmacies, and similar retailers often carry booklets of stamps, too.

Can you buy stamps at CVS?

Stamps at CVS At any CVS nationwide, you can buy stamps. All you have to do is ask the CVS cashier for a book of stamps. To be sure, send them a message on their website, try their service desk, or call them.

What grocery stores sell postage stamps?

Almost all Grocery Stores sell stamps, including Walmart, and pharmacies like CVS, and Walgreens. However, these are available only in bulk, in the form of booklets. You may also purchase Stamps online on Amazon or Grocery Store websites.

How much are postage stamps at CVS?

What is the Cost of Stamps at CVS? CVS sells postage stamps for the same price offered at United States Post Offices. The price for a book of 20 First-Class Forever stamps is currently $9.80 (plus tax).

Does Dollar Tree sell stamps?

No, unfortunately, Dollar General stores don’t sell any postage stamps up to this date.

Does Dollar General sell postage stamps?

Does Dollar General Sell Postage Stamps? No, Dollar General does not sell stamps. You can find other stores near you that sell stamps at our Where to Buy Stamps Guide. It’s also worth noting that while Dollar General doesn’t sell stamps, they do sell other shipping supplies (such as envelopes, boxes, tape, and more).

How can I get a discount on stamps?

Best Places to Buy Stamps at Discounted Prices

  1. Buy Discounted Stamps on eBay.
  2. Check Stamp Dealers For Discounted Postage.
  3. Look for Deals on Amazon.
  4. Sign Up for a Account.
  5. Check Out
  6. Buy Stamps Directly from the Post Office.
  7. Buy Stamps at Other Retailers.
  8. Check Rebate Sites.

What stamps does CVS sell?

CVS currently sells First-Class Forever stamps in books of 20. First-Class Forever stamps provide enough postage for a 1-ounce standard letter. Because they are Forever Stamps, they won’t decrease in value as postage prices rise (for more information, see our Guide on First Class Postage).

Does Walmart sell single stamps?

Stamps at Walmart Online At Walmart Online, you can purchase a bevy of different types of stamps. For instance, you can select postcard stamps, souvenir stamps, or a coil featuring one hundred stamps. Walmart doesn’t directly sell (in retail stores) all the stamps available on its online store.

How much do stamps cost at Walgreens?

You can call ahead to ask about the stamp design or surprise yourself and find out when you show up to the store. Regardless of the stamp design, all Walgreens stamps are the standard U.S. Post Office stamp amount worth 55 cents.


How can I buy stamps without going to the post office?

How can I buy stamps without going to the post office?

Call 1-800-STAMP 24, or 1-800-782-6724, to order postage stamps over the phone and use your credit or debit card to make the purchase. Before making the call, you might want to visit The Postal Store on the website to see the stamps available, such as Forever stamps in different quantities.

Can I order stamps through the mail?

Fact Sheet: Get Stamps Delivered. At The Postal Store at, you can purchase stamps by rate, subject, or format (such as booklets or coils), and you can sign up for our stamps subscription service and have stamps delivered automatically at periodic intervals.

Can I buy a stamp online and print it?

With, you can easily buy, calculate and print official USPS® postage for anything from postcards to envelopes to packages – domestic or international. … With, you get all the services of the Post Office and more for only $17.99 plus applicable taxes, if any per month plus the cost of postage.

Can I buy Royal Mail stamps online?

Buy stamps online now Call our dedicated customer services team on 03457 782 677 to order by phone. For orders placed by 5pm, we deliver stamp products the next working day. If you spend over £5,000 per year on stamps you may be eligible for a credit account.