How are gems cut?

How are gems cut?

All gems are cut and polished by progressive abrasion using finer and finer grits of harder substances. … Silicon carbide, a manmade compound of silicon and carbon with a Mohs hardness of 9.5, is also widely used for cutting softer gemstones.

What is the side of a cut gem called?

Facets of a gem The top portion of a cut gem is called the crown. The crown has quite a few different facets on it. The largest horizontal facet on the crown is called the table facet. The bottom of a faceted stone is the pavilion.

How much does it cost to get a gem cut?

Overseas cutting is the best option for small and average sized sapphires and other stones such as garnet, amethyst, topaz and sunstone. The cost of overseas faceting starts at $25. With quantity price breaks, you can get your cost down to $15 per stone.

How long does it take to cut a gemstone?

about five to eight hoursMedium sort of stones about five to eight hours while other stones can take 2 or more days. Some stones like sapphires simply take a little longer to do because it is a hard stone. Big stones with big facets can take alot longer to polish. I certainly don't "rush" my cutting.