
Does thick cut bacon get crispy?

Does thick cut bacon get crispy?

Bacon cooked in the oven definitely gets crispy, but I also find that it retains a bit of chewiness near the middle, especially when cooking thick-cut bacon. I love this, but if you love your bacon crispy through and through, then you should try baking it on top of a metal cooling rack set over the baking sheet.

How do you tell when thick cut bacon is done?

Inspect the bacon to make sure it is brown and slightly crispy. Insert a fork style food thermometer 1/4 inch into bacon slices more than 1/2 inch thick and make sure the temperature is 160 F before transferring the bacon to paper towels to drain before serving.

What is thick cut bacon?

Standard bacon is sliced very thin, about 1/16 of an inch, and is considered all-purpose. Thick-cut bacon is – obviously – a larger cut, about twice the size of regular bacon. Because it's thicker, thick-cut bacon holds its shape better. Therefore, it is ideal to use chopped up for salads, soups, pastas, etc.