Does straw bale gardening really work?

Does straw bale gardening really work?

They Work: You can have huge success with growing vegetables in straw bales. Although you have to stay on top of watering, compared to other container gardens, the bales do retain water pretty well.

Should I use straw or hay in my garden?

Straw is the bare stalk remaining after a nutritious seed head, such as barley or wheat has been harvested. The stalks are then dried, bundled and stored safely. … If your goal is simply to cover the soil, as for paths, then straw is fine. If your goal is to enrich your soil, then the nutritious hay is much better.

Is it OK to put straw around tomato plants?

Keep grass clippings a little ways away from the stems of tomatoes so that water has access to the roots. Straw: Straw makes great mulch for tomatoes and other veggie plants. The only issue with straw is seed sprouting.

Is Straw cheaper than hay?

Straw is far less expensive than hay in our area, selling for under $4/square bale. … Since hay is more nutritious but more expensive, we buy hay solely for the horses to eat. Since straw is cheaper, dried and therefore less likely to mold or attract moisture, we buy straw for the backyard chicken coop and nesting boxes.

Is hay brown or green compost?

Green leaves have high levels of nitrogen, but as they go brown in fall, the nitrogen levels drop. … As far as composting goes, it's a green. Other ingredients are also confusing. Alfalfa hay is 'brown' in color, but is considered to be a green since it contains a lot of nitrogen.

Can you use hay bales for gardening?

Straw bales should be used for your vegetable garden because straw, unlike hay, does not contain seeds. Hay bales are usually grown and sold as horse or livestock feed. As a result, these bales usually contain timothy and alfalfa seeds, which can sprout into plants when wet.

Where can I get rid of hay bales?

Haul the hay to a plant recycling center or nursery and donate it for reuse. Some of these facilities may charge you a fee for dumping, but many are happy to take it for free. Load any wet hay left over into a wheelbarrow and haul it to an area in your yard that you can designate as a compost area.

What can I do with straw bales?

Use the straw in your garden as mulch. Use it to plant potatoes. Use it to make compost, especially if you have chickens. In fact, use it as chicken bedding or other animal bedding.

Can animals eat straw?

Feeding Straw. Straw is a good alternative in rations for cows and sheep if properly supplemented with higher quality feedstuffs. … Differences in feeding value do exist among the straws. Oats is the most palatable and nutritious; barley straw is second and wheat straw has the lowest nutritional value of the main grains.

Is Straw better than hay for bedding?

Straw is normally used for a bedding material, while hay is used as a feed supplement. Straw is dried out and works well for building nests and providing cushioning for animals to sleep in. … Straw is also more practical to use as bedding than hay is, because of its lower cost.

Should I put hay on my garden?

But using hay as mulch has some surprising benefits. It does indeed break down, but unless you have a very wet environment it shouldn't get moldy. Instead, it will start to compost, creating a rich layer of nutrients for your plants. This is especially good for seeds and starter plants.

What can I do with old round hay bales?

Hay will usually have a sweet smell be greenish inside the bail and look finer like tall grass used for feed, may have a lot of weed seeds so don't use it for landscaping. Straw is yellow and comes from wheat. Hay is green and comes from grass. Also, if you look at a piece of straw, it is hollow.

What is better for chickens hay or straw?

Since hay is more nutritious but more expensive, we buy hay solely for the horses to eat. Since straw is cheaper, dried and therefore less likely to mold or attract moisture, we buy straw for the backyard chicken coop and nesting boxes. … Filling your chicken nesting boxes with straw can help prevent frozen eggs.

How much is a straw bale?

Bales cost as much as $9 apiece here. The cheapest are 4 and that's if you buy a bunch and you know the guy. A few places here are either out of straw all together or they are charging 11 dollars and change for a bale.

How long does Straw last?

Straw Bale homes can last over 100 years if properly maintained. At some point, all structures will eventually be replaced. When the time comes, the straw bales can be plowed back into the earth.

Is alfalfa hay good for compost?

Alfalfa hay is a good mulching material because it's usually cut before it can put out seeds. Used as mulch, alfalfa is high in nitrogen and long lasting. Leaves are excellent when used as mulch and they also contribute nutrients to the soil as they break down. … Instead, they are valued as over-winter mulch.

What’s the difference between compost and mulch?

Compost is full of nutrients that we want to get down in the soil to feed the plants through their roots. In contrast, mulch is the layer of organic materials placed on the top of the soil as a protective cover. Mulch helps to suppress weed germination, retain moisture, insulate the soil, and reduce erosion.

What is spoiled hay?

Spoiled hay is nothing more than old hay that has dried and begun to decay, which means it qualifies as organic matter. Nearly any gardener can tell you that decaying organic matter is a gold mine when it comes to the garden.

Does hay stop weeds?

Spread mulch 2 to 4 inches deep to suppress weeds and retain moisture. Always pick straw, not hay, to prevent weeds. Hay usually contains hayseeds, which will sprout where you're trying to keep weeds out.

Do rabbits eat straw?

Yes. Straw is perfectly fine for bedding. In fact, straw is probably a sensible choice for bedding as it is usually cheaper than hay. If you use hay as bedding, you'll be wasting quite a great deal of it because bunnies won't eat much of their bedding.

Are wood chips cheaper than mulch?

Wood chips also absorb moisture and tend to break down more slowly than shredded mulches. In some cases, wood-chip mulch can be obtained for little or no cost from any individual or business trimming trees or cutting up fallen trees and branches. … Wood chips are ideal for mulching around trees and shrubs.

Which cutting of hay is best for horses?

Mid- to late-maturity hays are best for horses with low nutrient requirements, because the horses can eat more to satisfy their appetites without overeating and becoming fat. Horse owners also ask whether first or second-cut hay is better. There is more variation within a cutting than between cuttings.