
Does OpenOffice save in DOCX?

Does OpenOffice save in DOCX?

OpenOffice doesn't have the ability to save as . docx. You have a number of alternatives: MS Office since around 2007 can read .

Is OpenOffice the same as Excel?

In the free open-source office suite Apache OpenOffice, Calc is the spreadsheet equivalent to Microsoft Excel. … Although many elements on a spreadsheet saved in Excel are supported by Calc, some do not work or run the same way or at all.

Can you convert OpenOffice to Word?

Fortunately, OOo can read and write Word files (but not Word 2007; that capability is coming in OOo 3.0). To save a document as a Microsoft Word file: First save your document in OOo's format (. odt).

Can open office save as PDF?

OpenOffice.org can export documents to PDF (Portable Document Format). This industry-standard file format is ideal for sending the file to someone else to view using Adobe Reader or other PDF viewers.

Can Microsoft Word open ODT?

While Microsoft Word uses the DOC and DOCX formats for document files, its competitor, Apache's OpenOffice Writer, uses the ODT format. … Locate the ODT file on your hard drive, click it, and then click "Open" to open it in Word. Alternatively, double-click the file to open it.

What format does OpenOffice save?

By default Apache OpenOffice stores its files in Open Document Format (ODF), ISO/IEC 26300. For details about ODF, see here. Older versions of Microsoft Office files are stored in a proprietary format which is not human readable and not publicly documented. Newer versions of MS Office can now edit and save in ODF.

Is open office safe?

OpenOffice doesn't have the programmers it needs to be safe. That's because all its good developers moved to its fork, LibreOffice, years ago. LibreOffice is as safe as any program can be. OpenOffice has been dying for years now.

How do you save a document?

Click FILE > Save, pick or browse to a folder, type a name for your document in the File name box, and click Save. Save your work as you go – hit Ctrl+S often. To print, click the FILE tab, and then click Print.

Is Apache OpenOffice compatible with Windows 10?

Open Office Windows 10 compatibility – Many users are wondering whether OpenOffice is compatible with Windows 10. We're happy to inform you that OpenOffice is fully compatible with Windows 10, 8, and 7.

Is OpenOffice compatible with Office 2016?

Apache OpenOffice is free compared with the price for the latest version of Microsoft Office. Second, you can open and edit all Microsoft Office documents with OpenOffice. There are no compatibility problems. In fact, the only problem you might encounter is a missing font from Microsoft.

How do I convert a ODT file to doc?

OpenOffice. org's Impress file format is highly compatible with Microsoft's PowerPoint format. You can open a PowerPoint presentation in Impress, edit it, then save it in its original PowerPoint format or in Impress format.

What can open ODT files?

To open an ODT file on an Android device, you can install the OpenDocument Reader app. iPhone and other iOS users can use ODT files with OOReader or ikuDocs Documents, and probably some other document editors.