Does Claire’s do industrial piercing?

Does Claire’s do industrial piercing?

Our ear piercing earrings are individually packaged and pre-sterilized at a state of the art facility. … Getting your ears pierced at Claire's is easy and safe. There's no need to make an appointment, just visit your local Claire's Store and one of our Ear Piercing Specialists will assist you.

Is industrial piercing worth it?

It is common for your ear to be sore for a few days after the piercing is completed, but that should go away within a week or so with proper aftercare. It may seem like a lot, but I can promise that all of the work is absolutely worth it.

Do industrial piercings get infected easily?

An industrial piercing can describe any two pierced holes connected by a single barbell. … Cartilage piercings — particularly those high on your ear — are more prone to infection than other ear piercings. That's because these piercings are typically closer to your hair.

How do you shower with an industrial piercing?

Can I pop my nose piercing bump? NO. With keloids and granulomas there's nothing to pop 'out' of your bump. And with pustules, just because you think you're a dab hand at popping pimples on your face, does not mean you should be popping pustules on your piercings.

How painful is industrial piercing?

The thing with an industrial piercing is that you are actually getting two piercings done at the same time. … Many people who get industrial piercings report that the first hole is not too bad, about a 2 or 3 on a pain scale of 1 to 10. Though, the second hole tends to be more painful, closer to a 5 on the pain scale.

Which ear is best for industrial piercing?

Industrial piercings are located on the ear. Rather than one single hole, they use two holes through the cartilage of the ear.

Which ear should I get an industrial piercing?

Should I get my industrial piercings in one ear or both? A. There's no “right” choice. You can have your right ear, left ear, or both ears pierced.

Are industrial piercings dangerous?

As you are getting two separate piercings when you get an industrial piercing, you could be at a greater risk of complications than people who just have one piercing. … With two piercings being done on the cartilage instead of skin, you do have a slight risk of excessive bleeding.

Can you sleep on an industrial piercing?

Most industrial piercings take 2-3 months to heal. … You want to avoid sleeping on an industrial piercing because it adds additional pressure on the jewelry. It will be more likely to have scarring if you sleep on it.

Can you put hoops in an industrial piercing?

An industrial piercing is any two pierced holes connected with a straight barbell. … Straight barbells aren't necessarily the only piece of jewelry that can be put in your Industrial piercing; you can even put a hoop in each piercing hole, or even two studs, as long as the barbell is the right gauge.

Do industrial piercings close?

The industrial piercing goes through cartilage in your ear and depending on how long it has been pierced it will close eventually and faster than many other piercings because of the location.

How do you unscrew an industrial piercing?

It depends on what you mean by “too small.” If the concern is the barbell being too lengthy, then yes you can. But if you go to a good piercing studio, they should be able to accomodate for you. Barbells can be custom ordered and can be really short.

Can you wear headphones with an industrial piercing?

Earbuds are better if you've got a piercing on your ear, especially an industrial or cartilage piercing. I use "over-the-ear" headphones, which means that they rest on my ears, as opposed to the earbuds that go into your ears.

What to know before getting an industrial piercing?

When cleaning your industrial piercing it's important to avoid using harsh cleaners like alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. It's a difficult area to do a saltwater soak on so it's best to use a compress instead. Clean the piercing using a solution made of 1 gallon distilled water to 4 tea spoons of non-iodized sea salt.

What does an industrial piercing say about you?

You tend to draw people in with your charming personality, but you only have a few very close friends. You're less likely to get hurt that way, because you may look all rough and tumble, but you're a big softy on the inside.

Should I twist my industrial piercing?

Do not twist it, and do not use an antibacterial like bactine. … Do not twist it, and do not use an antibacterial like bactine. Use something from the piercer's shop, usually a sea-salt saline solution (sometimes with an essential oil or another additional ingredient that aids the healing process).

Can any ear get an industrial piercing?

Industrial Piercing. … While popular, this piercing doesn't work for all ears, as you need to have a defined helix, or ear “ridge,” and enough space for the barbell to sit unobstructed. If you're interested in this piercing, we suggest coming in and talking to one of our piercers about your options.

Why is it called an industrial piercing?

This is probably because most piercings are named after the part of the body that they pass through, and everyone knows humans aren't born with an industrial. In fact, an industrial is a piercing that passes through two holes made in the body.

Can you get an industrial piercing at 13?

No, not without your parents with you. … No tattoo artist or piercer in their right mind would pierce or tattoo a minor without parental consent. Yes, your parent or guardian HAS to be present for them to consider it consent.