Does being vegan stunt your growth?

Does being vegan stunt your growth?

Does vegetarianism affect teen growth and development? … The good news is that a well-planned vegetarian diet that includes key nutrients (keep reading for specifics) can be supportive of health at all stages of life and won't inhibit growth or bone health.

Do vegetarians grow taller?

Age-adjusted regression analysis showed that on average Adventist vegetarian children were taller than their meat-consuming classmates (2.5 and 2.0 cm for boys and girls, respectively). … The results indicate that vegetarian children and adolescents on a balanced diet grow at least as tall as children who consume meat.

Is it safe for a 12 year old to be a vegetarian?

A vegetarian can be a healthy choice for your child — so long as he can commit to eatinglots of different foods, including vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, and whole grains. And remember, there are no strict rules.