Do you need a license to breed chinchillas?

Do you need a license to breed chinchillas?

You can have as many chinchillas in breeding as you want and the USDA will not care or require a license. They only care and require the license when you start selling them to wholesalers and pet stores.

At what age do chinchillas stop breeding?

While females can reach maturity in as little as 4-5 months most breeders recommend holding off to breed your chinchilla until she is at least one year of age.

How do chinchillas have babies?

Chinchillas have a long pregnancy and the gestation period is around 110 days. Birth usually occurs in the morning and the babies, known as kits, are born a few minutes apart. The kits are born with their eyes open, covered in fur, and weigh around 2 ounces. They are active and can run and play from birth.

Do chinchillas go into heat?

Yes, chinchillas go into heat but they do not have periods. You can also try and watch for your male and female chinchilla having intercourse. If this is taking place, your female chinchilla is 100% in heat and the potential for some chinchilla off-spring is right around the corner for you.