Do violets come back every year?

Do violets come back every year?

Some varieties also have white or yellow blooms. Although in some areas they are considered annuals or biennials, wild violets often self-seed, coming back each year in unexpected locations.

Should you deadhead African violets?

When removing spent blooms, also remove dead or dying foliage. … Deadhead African violets to encourage more blooms. African violets make useful flowering houseplants since they can bloom for up to nine months per year. They do need the other three months off as a rest period.

How often should I water violets?

They are perfect windowsill plants as long as there is lots of indirect sunlight for them to absorb. Windowsills that face east or west are the best locations for the plants which require 10-14 hours of light and eight hours of darkness a day for maximum blooms.

How long do African violets live?

An African violet (Saintpaulia spp.) can last indefinitely, according to the Bay State African Violet Society. It's not unusual for them to live 50 years or more with proper care. The key is to avoid overwatering, chilling and direct sunlight — three things that can drastically reduce an African violet's lifespan.

How long do violets bloom?

Individual blooms can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Varieties producing thicker petals and those with green in the bloom tend to last longer. Blooms will last longer under moderate to high humidity with cooler temperatures (say 60-75f degrees).

How often should you water an African violet?

“How often to water African violets?” is perhaps the most pondered African violet dilemma. The best guide is to feel the top of the soil: if it is dry to the touch, then it is time to water. African violets should be allowed to dry out between each watering for best results. Overwatering can kill a plant.

Does African violets need sunlight?

African Violets, like other plants, need light for photosynthesis. … Even when all the essential nutrients are available to the plant, a complete absence of sunlight will literally result in starvation.

Are African violets poisonous to dogs?

Both the plant and flowers are non-toxic to cats and dogs, making them perfect for those looking for a low-maintenance, blooming plant.

Can African violets go outside?

African violets are tropical plants from East Africa. That's why they make good indoor plants. They would never survive outdoors in most U.S. climates as a normal violet would. You can buy these plants almost anywhere, including grocery stores and garden centers.

What do Violets symbolize?

Violet flowers symbolize delicate love, affection, modesty, faith, nobility, intuition and dignity. … Blue violet flowers symbolizes love and faithfulness, white violets represent purity and chastity, and yellow violets symbolize high worth and goodness.

Are African violets toxic to cats?

With their fuzzy green leaves and stunning year-round flowers, African violets bloom in a range of lavenders, blues, pinks, reds, and white—depending on the variety. Both the plant and flowers are non-toxic to cats and dogs, making them perfect for those looking for a low-maintenance, blooming plant.

Why are my African violet leaves growing straight up?

When African Violet plants do not receive enough sunlight there growth slows down. The leaf stems start to become elongated/leggy. The leaves start to grow upright/upwards as if trying to reach for the light.

Are violets blue or purple?

Violets are blue, … And, in the gardening world they use the word blue for any flower that is in the color range of blue and purple. So violets, even though they are purple, are classified as a blue flower.

How do you take care of violets?

Though African violets are not known to be toxic, it is generally never a good idea to let a child chow down on any houseplant, as individuals may have varying sensitivities to the plant's sap or hairy leaves. … Many fuzz-covered plants are skin irritants, but African violet isn't reported to cause rashes or other harm.

Do African violets need to be watered from the bottom?

Should I water African violets from the top or bottom? Either is fine. It is important not to use cold water; lukewarm or warm is preferred. If you water from the top, be careful not to get water on the leaves when the plant is in the sun; this is to avoid leaf spots.

Where do you put African violets?

While African Violets will tolerate direct sunlight very early or very late in the day, they should, in all other cases, be shielded from direct sunlight. For best results, place your Violets in a window where they will receive light most of the day, i.e., a window with western or southern exposure.

How do you get violets to bloom?

A good potting soil for African Violets actually contains no soil (or dirt) at all. A good potting soil will be very light and porous, a quality which enhances aeration, while keeping the soil moist, but not soggy. Such a potting soil will be made primarily of block-harvested, sphagnum peat moss.

How do you force an African violet to bloom?

Sweet violets (Viola odorata) can be candied or used in violet tea, violet cake, and violet syrup. While commonly added to salads, you can also use violet flowers to make vinegars, butters, spreads, and jellies. Sweet violet flowers are as beautiful as they are edible.

Do African violets bloom all year?

A: African violets are capable of blooming year-round in the home, but they won't bloom reliably if one or more of their basic needs are not being met. The most likely reason African violets stop blooming is because they're in too little light.

Can you grow African violets outside in Florida?

African Violets should not be exposed to direct sunlight. … African Violets grow best at a night temperature of 65 to 70 degrees, but will grow satisfactorily at 60 to 80 degrees. Temperatures in Florida often exceed 80 degrees, and under prolonged high temperatures, growth and flowering are reduced.

How big can African violets get?

Standard African violet plants when fully mature range from 8-16 inches (20-40cm) in diameter across a single crown. The flowers on these plants can grow to 2 inches (5cm) across the petals and a single leaf blade can grow to 3 inches (7.5cm) in length.

What color is violet purple?

Violet is simply a variant of purple (reddish blue). However it has great significance in that we see violet at the short-wavelength (blue) end of the visual spectrum (the rainbow produced by a prism) where there should theoretically not be any red at all, since red is at the long-wavelength end of the spectrum.

Why wont my African violets bloom?

The most common reason African violets don't bloom is because they aren't getting enough light. African violets need indirect sunlight, direct can burn the leaves. Choose a north- or east- facing window for best results. Keep plants away from cold glass and rotate the pot once a week so all leaves receive light.

Do violets like full sun?

African Violets, like other plants, need light for photosynthesis. … Even when all the essential nutrients are available to the plant, a complete absence of sunlight will literally result in starvation.

How many lumens do African violets need?

How many lumens of light do African Violets need? For African Violets to bloom they require from 5000 to 13,000 lux for at least 12 hours per day. One lux is defined as Lumens per square meter. An older plant needs between 10,000 and 15,000 lux to be happy.

What is indirect sunlight?

Indirect sunlight is sunlight that doesn't shine onto a plant at full strength, but is weakened by something coming between it and the plant. … For indoor plants, indirect sunlight is the weak sunlight that reaches a potted plant placed at least 3 feet away from a sunny window.

Can African violets take direct sunlight?

While African Violets will tolerate direct sunlight very early or very late in the day, they should, in all other cases, be shielded from direct sunlight. For best results, place your Violets in a window where they will receive light most of the day, i.e., a window with western or southern exposure.

Do African violets need special soil?

A good potting soil for African Violets actually contains no soil (or dirt) at all. A good potting soil will be very light and porous, a quality which enhances aeration, while keeping the soil moist, but not soggy. Such a potting soil will be made primarily of block-harvested, sphagnum peat moss.

Can you repot African violets when they are blooming?

Think before replanting. African violets only bloom when they're root bound. When it is time to repot, be sure to use an organic potting soil made specifically for African violets, such as Espoma's African Violet Mix. They flower best in small pots — choose one that's about a third of the diameter of their leaf spread.