Do pranayama really works?
Do pranayama really works?
Modern medical science has shown unequivocally that Pranayam benefits both the mind and body. Vikas Mishra/Flickr In search of peace and happiness. Pranayam means control of pran or vital force. According to the sage Patanjali it means controlled breathing which includes deep inhaling, exhaling and retention of breath.
Which pranayama should be done first?
Ideally, you should practice pranayama first thing in the morning or at the same time every day. Pranayama should be practiced outdoors or in a well-ventilated room.
What is pranayama and its benefits?
Daily pranayama trains the lungs and improves the capacity of respiratory system immensely. Pranayama directly works on the nervous system. Daily Pranayama positively affects autonomic nervous system which controls and governs essential functions of the body like the heart rate, respiration and blood pressure etc.