
Do I need insurance with trade plates?

Do I need insurance with trade plates?

Under this system, you do not need to have road tax for the vehicles in your care. … Nor will you need to register a new vehicle. But are trade plates covered by your motor insurance policy? If you have specialist motor trade insurance, trade plate use will usually be covered under the road risks section of the policy.

Can you drive an unregistered car on trade plates?

Trade plates are used on unregistered and untaxed vehicles in your possession, necessary to drive them legally on public roads. … Using trade plates saves time as well. Motor trade insurance covers accidents to vehicles in your possession only if they are registered and taxed (not on your name).

Can you park a car with trade plates?

DVLA – Trade licence plates and who can use them. … Trade plates cannot be used on unroadworthy vehicles. All vehicles must be covered by insurance and have a valid MoT in place, unless they are exempt from MoT requirements.

When can I use trade plates?

What are the rules? Trade plates must be used only for the particular business purposes for which they were issued. It is an offence to use more than one vehicle under a trade licence at any one time, and to keep a vehicle on a road when not in use except in certain emergency situations.

Can you drive any car with traders insurance?

The cars you can drive on a Motor Trade insurance policy will depend on the type of policy you take out. Usually, you can't just drive any car you feel like driving; most trade car policies will only let you drive cars related to your business for business purposes, or that you own.

Is my trade plate taxed?

If you're a motor trader or vehicle tester, trade licence plates allow you to carry out your business without registering and taxing every vehicle temporarily in your possession. Brand new or second-hand vehicles already registered to you must be taxed and cannot be used under this provision.

Do I need trade plates?

As a motor trader in the UK, you'll need trade plates for cars temporarily in your possession in order for them to be legally driven on public roads. … This means that any car in your possession as a motor trader must have a trade plate, even if you're only driving it on the forecourt of your premises.