
Do I need a license to spray Roundup in Texas?

Do I need a license to spray Roundup in Texas?

Once a product is designated a state-limited-use pesticide and a regulated herbicide, a person must have a current pesticide dealer's license to distribute the product. To purchase and use the product, a person must have a current pesticide applicator license or certificate.

Can I spray pesticides without a license?

The controlled substances act applies to the use of Pesticides and not herbicides. So no licence is needed to spray herbicides.

Can a felon get a pest control license in Texas?

Submit an application with a nonrefundable fee of $200; Not have been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude in the last five years; and. Submit or have employer submit an Applicator Business Registration.

How do I get a license to spray Roundup?

You don't need a license to buy or apply roundup for personal use, you would need a license to legally apply it commercially. buy generic glyphosate, much cheaper.

Do I need a license to apply fertilizer in Texas?

In the state of Texas you are not required to have a license to apply fertilizers as long as it ONLY contains fertilizers. Application of fertilizer which contains pesticides or herbicides such as a weed & feed, etc. would require a state issued license.