
Do guinea pigs stink?

Do guinea pigs stink?

Guinea pigs are fastidiously clean creatures that love to groom themselves and stay tidy, but if pet waste builds up inside the cage, it's going to smell — and get in his fur. … Scrub out the cage once a week. Even with daily scooping, smells can build up in the cage, and you have to clean it thoroughly.

What is smarter a guinea pig or rabbit?

Guinea pigs are more gentle than rabbits, so they are smarter than rabbits in that sense, if you are the kind of person who sees being gentle as smart. … Rabbits can be trained to do more complex tricks than guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are easier to catch than rabbits who can escape more easily.

What are the pros and cons of owning a guinea pig?

Both guinea pig and rabbit eat hay and pellets. Although it is safe for your rabbit to be fed with some guinea pig foods, it is not ideal. It is best your bunny eats foods that are specially formulated for him. Rabbits are herbivores or plant-eating animals.

Can you put a guinea pig and rabbit together?

Rabbits and guinea pigs should never be caged together for a number of very important reasons. Rabbits are happiest with at least one other friendly rabbit. A guinea pig's best friend is another friendly guinea pig. That said, you can usually happily mix breeds within each species.

Which is better bunny or hamster?

Rabbits are everything the hamster is not. While they too are small (compared to a dog), even the tiniest bunny is bigger than the largest hamster. … This means that rabbits can't be kept in a cage all their life, like a hamster. You're going to need to let the bunny out.

Is guinea pig smart?

Intelligent guinea pigs. They're so small – and yet so smart! Guinea pigs are intelligent rodents that can be taught many things. … Guinea pigs best learn a lot later than cats and dogs – while dogs are best trained when they are only a few weeks old, the time is right for guinea pigs when they are nine to ten months old …

Can a guinea pig live alone?

Guinea pigs living indoors can see humans as important companions. If your guinea pig has to be kept alone you must provide companionship by interacting with them daily. … Guinea pigs are naturally sociable preferring other guinea pig company; kept together form a 'pecking order'.

What is the difference between a rabbit and a guinea pig?

Unless you are thinking about getting a tiny breed of rabbit, the obvious difference between a cavy and a bunny is their size. Guinea pigs are a lot smaller and they boast life spans of anything from 5 to 8 years if they are well cared for.

Are guinea pigs snuggly?

Unlike most other rodent pets, guinea pigs (also called cavies) are active during the day, so won't keep you awake with noises at night, and they're just not as busy. … But guinea pigs are content to cuddle.