Do celebrities see your tweets?

Do celebrities see your tweets?

If your tweets are protected, no one except your approved followers can see your tweet, even if they have been mentioned. Follow your favorite celebrities on Twitter. It's a good idea to find a celeb who usually tweets a lot — they are more likely to care about who tweets @ them.

Who can see my tweets if I have no followers?

If your account is public (as is by default), anyone can see your tweets, irrespective of whether they are following you. No, they can not see your tweets in the news feed. They can only see your tweet if they go to your page and read down through your tweets.

Where are my followers from Twitter?

Here's how: To start, browse to the TweepsMap Web site, then click on the red "Analyze and Map My Followers" button. If you don't want to tweet your results after the analysis, uncheck the "Tweet my results automatically" box. When prompted, authorize TweepsMap to use your Twitter account to analyze your followers.

Can someone see my tweets if they don’t follow me?

No. If they go to your page all they will see is your name, bio, and link. If they then try to follow you, you'll get a notification that someone wants to follow you and you'll have to approve the request before they see your tweets.

Why can’t I see tweets from someone I follow?

If it shows Following, their Tweets should appear in your Home timeline. If it doesn't show, they may have blocked you. Click or tap Follow on their profile. An error message means the account has blocked you from following them.

Can twitter followers see your searches?

You alone can see your searches. If you search for a username and you click on your preferred handle from the output, It gets recorded as a recent search in which YOU ALONE can see. Although, if anyone has access to your twitter app, he/she can also see your recent search.

Can you follow someone on Twitter without them knowing?

No, you can not secretly 'follow' someone on Twitter. From your Twitter Page Create a New list. Consider making it private if you don't want others to know who is on the list.

How do you tweet someone who doesn’t follow you?

You don't need to follow someone to @reply them. If you put the @username anywhere else in the tweet other than the start all your followers will see it. This is called an @mention. You may want to do this to give someone public acknowledgement or credit or to promote them or their tweet to your followers .

Can I send a DM to someone who doesn’t follow me on twitter?

Some accounts, particularly businesses on Twitter, have enabled a setting to receive Direct Messages from anyone. You can send a Direct Message to these accounts even if they don't follow you. In both group and one-on-one conversations, you cannot be in a conversation with an account you block.

How long is twitter Follow limit?

Retweets are counted as Tweets. Changes to account email: 4 per hour. Following (daily): The technical follow limit is 400 per day.

What does a private twitter account look like?

When a Twitter account is private and you're not following it, you can see: The header. … When the person joined Twitter. The tweets, followers, following, likes/favorites counts (you can't open these, though).

How do I get Twitter followers fast?

Followers are people who receive your Tweets. If someone follows you: They'll show up in your followers list. They'll see your Tweets in their Home timeline whenever they log in to Twitter.

Does twitter notify your followers when you follow someone?

Your followers will not get notified of who you followed, but if they go to your profile, right next to the number of tweet's you've posted, they will be able to see the number of people you've followed and the number of people following you.