Do celebrities see your tweets?

Do celebrities see your tweets?

If your tweets are protected, no one except your approved followers can see your tweet, even if they have been mentioned. Follow your favorite celebrities on Twitter. It's a good idea to find a celeb who usually tweets a lot — they are more likely to care about who tweets @ them.

Can you see who looks at your twitter?

Simply put, no. There is no way for a Twitter user to know exactly who views their Twitter or specific tweets. … That said, if a user wants to have a general idea about how many people have seen a tweet, then they can do so by visiting the Twitter Analytics page.

How many Twitter followers did I have a year ago?

Visit Twitter Analytics and click on the "Followers" tab at the top of the page. The resulting page will have a large line graph illustrating the number of followers you have. If you place your cursor over a point on the line, the date and number of followers on that date will be displayed.

How do you get good at twitter?

Inside the profile settings, select Privacy and Safety option from the left panel of the screen. Here you can find lots of options related to the privacy, simply select the protect your tweets to make your account private. (Make sure your previously posted tweets still publicly visible)

How many Twitter followers is a lot?

Followers. Only 0.06% of Twitter users have more than 20,000 followers, and only 2.12% have more than 1,000 followers. Meanwhile, 95.9% have less than 500 followers. Users with up to five followers has decreased from 46% to 32%, while users with more than 100 followers has more than doubled to 16% from 7%.