Do Capricorns fall in love quickly?

Do Capricorns fall in love quickly?

They don't fall in love often but once they do that's it for them. … Don't fall in love with a Capricorn because they aren't the easiest to read. They come off as cold and might push you away but that's when they need you the most. You'll have to take time to learn the little things about them.

Are Capricorns hard to date?

Though Capricorns are famous hard workers, they've also earned the reputation of being secret freaks. … On the flip side, the most difficult part of dating a Capricorn is helping them see that there's more to romance and intimacy than being a taskmaster.

Why you shouldn’t date a Capricorn?

Don't fall in love with a Capricorn because they get jealous really easily. … Don't fall in love with a Capricorn because they aren't someone who just says things, actions follow everything they say and they are someone you can always count on. If they tell you they'll be somewhere you'll never have to doubt them.