Did Facebook Get Rid of Polls 2019?
Did Facebook Get Rid of Polls 2019?
It appears from this thread that as of May 25th 2019, Facebook has removed the ability to create a poll from the main page. … Enter a question and then tap Add a poll option… to enter options for group members to select.
Why can’t I make a Facebook poll?
Well, it is. And it isn't. The problem is that Facebook doesn't want to 'fess up to you that when you post something, only a small percentage of your friends and followers actually see it. … And so, Facebook doesn't actually let you create polls on your regular newsfeed.
How do you create a survey on messenger?
Starting today, you can now do so on Facebook Messenger. While in a group convo, you can tap a Polls icon in the compose window, or you can also just hit More and then choose Poll. Create your list of choices, submit it, and then your friends will be able to see the poll in the conversation and then vote accordingly.
How do I create a poll on my timeline?
Here's how: in a group conversation, just the + icon and then select Polls. From there, you can add the question and specific answers for your friends to vote on, and press submit. The poll will appear in the Messenger conversation, where your friends can easily vote.
How do you create a survey on Facebook Timeline?
Here's how: in a group conversation, just the + icon and then select Polls. From there, you can add the question and specific answers for your friends to vote on, and press submit. The poll will appear in the Messenger conversation, where your friends can easily vote.
How do I delete a poll in messenger?
It's the blue icon with a white âfâ inside. You'll usually find it on the home screen or in the app drawer. You can only add a poll to an event you're hosting. If you're not listed as a host, you cannot add a poll.