Can you use extension tubes with a macro lens?

Can you use extension tubes with a macro lens?

One option is to buy a macro lens that offers at least a 1:1 magnification ratio. … It is recommended to use extension tubes on standard-length lenses; however, they will work on any focal-length lens, including wide-angle and zoom lenses.

Are macro extension tubes any good?

Used correctly extension tubes can give very good results with regard to macro work; however a dedicated macro lens will always have the edge.

What is the best lens to use with extension tubes?

Canon 50mm f/1.8 STM In general, 50mm prime lenses are great options for extension tube usage, so if you're not a Canon user, be sure to check out the equivalent lens for Nikon, Sony, Fuji or whatever brand you use. With 36mm of extension tube, this is how close you can focus using this particular lens.