
Can you ring Microsoft?

Can you ring Microsoft?

Phone number: 0344 800 2400.

Does Microsoft charge for support?

A one-hour, one-time support session via chat or phone call will cost you $99. Extended protection and accidental coverage for your laptop along with unlimited software support will cost you $129.

What time does Microsoft customer service open?

On Tuesday's from 8:00 AM -10:00 AM,* our Business Sales Specialists are available for you, providing personalized guidance and support to help you meet your business needs and objectives.

How do I send an email to Microsoft?

Outlook.com customer service. You can reach Outlook.com customer service in two ways: For email-related issues, go here (that's https://go.askleo.com/olsupport – I'll update the destination if it changes in the future). After signing in to your Microsoft account, there's a form to fill out with your issue or question.

Why can’t I recover my Hotmail account?

Go to the Recover your account page. Enter the email address, phone number, or Skype ID you used when you made your Microsoft account. This could be any email address, or an email ending in a Microsoft domain like hotmail.com or outlook.com.