
Can you permanently dye your hair purple?

Can you permanently dye your hair purple?

If you don't want a permanent purple color, you can use a temporary or semi-permanent purple dye to color your hair. Temporary colors last for one to three washes, depending on how porous your hair is.

Can I dye my hair purple without bleaching it?

If it is natural black, no, you can't really have purple unless you bleach. Some shades of dark browns though you can get something from a purple tint to a dark black/purple depending on the starting shade and dye used. … Others simply won't work well without bleaching.

What color does purple hair fade to?

It fades to a lighter shade of the same purple. Assuming you bleached your hair blonde so that it comes out a dark purple, it should start to turn a pastel color as the color washes out and it reverts to the lighter color underneath. The color will never fully be gone, but it'll definitely fade over time.

How do you darken purple hair?

Add black, blue, magenta or maybe red to your purple hair then you will get darker purple. You already know that mix blue and red make purple. But if you start with purple hair, you would add more blue to get a darker shade. In short, start with dark shades if you want a darker purple.