Can you grow onions inside?

Can you grow onions inside?

Onions are cool weather vegetables commonly found in the home garden, but they can also be grown indoors year-round by determined gardeners. They require a container deep enough for bulbs to form, exposure to bright light and soil with excellent drainage.

How do you grow onions indoors in water?

Place the onions in a clear glass or jar with the root end down. Add just enough water to the bottom of the container to cover the roots at the bottom of the bulbs. Change the water at least every other day. Place the glass in a window that receives plenty of filtered sunlight throughout the day.

How do you grow onions from seeds indoors?

To start onion seedlings indoors in February or March, fill a container nearly to the top with a seed starting mix and then make two furrows, about 1/2-inch deep, for the onion seeds. Sprinkle seeds in the furrows and cover them lightly with more soil mix. Label the container with the name of the onion variety.