Can you grow night scented stock in pots?

Can you grow night scented stock in pots?

Each of these requires the same simple night scented stock care but offer slightly different flowers and sizes. Use them in containers, borders and even hanging baskets to perfume your landscape and decorate it with gentle color.

Can you grow stock indoors?

Sow stock indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Sow ¼ inch deep in seed-starting formula. Keep the soil moist at 60-65 degrees F. Seedlings emerge in 10-20 days.

What plants do snails hate?

Yes Marigolds can be used as a sacrificial crop among other plants for slugs and snails – they just love them. The theory is the marigolds will be eaten in preference to your babies. Plant the marigolds in little clumps close to the plants you want to protect.

How do you keep slugs away from potatoes?

A more frugal method of control is to set wireworm traps. Dig several holes, 10cm (4in) deep, then plant half a potato or a chunk of carrot. Backfill the holes with soil and mark their locations with sticks. Before planting your potatoes, dig up the traps and pop any wireworm you find onto a bird table.

What is a natural slug repellent?

Copper is considered to be a natural slug repellent as the mucus they secrete from their body (their slime) reacts with the metal, producing a tiny electric shock. … Note: For copper tape to remain effective against slugs then it needs to be cleaned regularly with vinegar to avoid tarnishing.

Do slugs eat Heuchera?

Rabbits: Rabbits may eat mostly the flowers of heuchera. … Slugs: These pests leave large holes in the foliage or eat leaves entirely.

What can I use to get rid of slugs and snails?

Echinaceas prefer well-drained soil in a sunny place, though partial shade is tolerated. The plants are also quite tolerant of drought. Although often regarded as being free from pests and diseases, the echinacea's early spring growth is often destroyed by slugs and snails, so it is essential to provide protection.

Do slugs eat marguerites?

The lime green “flowers” at the tips of the stems are stunning in late winter and early spring. Penstemons are similar in some ways in that they are evergreen and have woody stems. I'm not going to recommend these as slug proof however because slugs and snails seem to devour them in some gardens, so I am told.

Do nematodes kill snails as well as slugs?

Some nematodes also live as parasites in slugs. They are called phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita (ph for short) and are used to control slugs in organic farming. … Slugs that live on the ground are not normally affected by nematodes. Snails are not attacked.

How do coffee grounds deter slugs?

Coffee grounds scattered on top of the soil will deter slugs. The horticultural side effects of using strong grounds such as espresso on the garden, however, are less certain.

How do you grow scented stocks?

Scented stock plants are easy to grow from seed by directly sowing in the garden. After all danger of frost is past, you can sprinkle them across the soil and tamp them down lightly. Look for germination in two to three weeks.

Do slugs like mint?

Rosemary and thyme are in the mint family, so like mint (such as peppermint and spearmint), these plants deter slugs and snails with their aroma! … This is a simple but effective natural slug and snail deterrent and you'll have some nice perennial herbs for cooking.

Which birds eat slugs and snails?

Hedgehogs, newts, toads and some birds, such as song thrushes, love to eat slugs and snails, so it is a great idea to attract these beneficial creatures into your garden.

What bedding plants do slugs not eat?

In the United States, another kind of lobelia is a common wild plant, Lobelia cardinalis. … You can try to grow it in Britain, but it is a choice horticultural plant and a delicacy for slugs who like to gorge on the bottoms of its stems.

Do slugs eat ferns?

Ferns. Slugs do not like to eat ferns. … There are many kinds of these ancient plants, such as the interrupted fern (Osmunda claytoniana). Their slug-resistance is reason enough for many gardeners to forgive them for not bearing flowers.

How do you grow Night scented phlox?

It looks lovely in a night garden combined with other fragranced plants like nicotianas, night-scented stocks and summer phlox. For best results, grow Zaluzianskya ovata in moist, humus-rich, well-drained soil in full sun. Cut it back hard once flowering has finished. Reduce watering in winter.

How do I get rid of snails in my garden?

Scented leaves, leathery leaves, leaves with rough textures, furry leaves as in lamb's ears, lavender, Mediterranen shrubs such as rosemary, large begonias, antirrhinums, rock rose, mullein (Verbascum phlomoides), aubretia (although they like to hide under it), basil, cosmos (but they'll eat it if nothing else is …

Do slugs like verbena?

Lesson learned: some varieties of verbena are very susceptible to slug damage!

What do snails like to eat?

Land snails enjoy plants, fungi and algae. They naturally congregate in fields and grassy areas. Provide a land snail with plant matter and vegetables such as lettuce, dandelion greens, cucumbers and carrots. Experiment with different types of greens to see what your snails enjoy eating.

Do slugs eat rhododendron?

Two of our rhododendron plants in large planters have parts eaten out of the leaves. … According to UC master gardener Carol Rogala, a variety of pests enjoy rhododendrons including snails, foliage-feeding caterpillars, cutworms and black vine weevils (the latter pictured here).