
Can you fly a Banshee in Halo 1?

Can you fly a Banshee in Halo 1?

The Early Banshee trick, found in Halo: Combat Evolved, makes it is possible to fly a Banshee to the end of the level, Assault on the Control Room.

What is a Banshee in Halo?

Banshee. The term Banshee could refer to multiple objects in the Halo universe: Type-26 "Banshee" GSA – The Banshee aircraft featured in almost all Halo games, up until Halo 5: Guardians.

How do you get a Banshee in Halo Combat Evolved?

The banshees spawn with drivers already in them. There's a part near the end of Assault on the Control Room where you can quickly kill an elite before he can get in his banshee, allowing you to take it instead.

How do you use the Banshee bomb in Halo 2?

No, there is no banshee bomb in classic Halo 2 multiplayer. It's in the campaign and in order to use it, you use "b" with the default controls, not "y".