
Can you eat Tamarillos raw?

Can you eat Tamarillos raw?

Surrounded by an inedible skin, the flesh of the tamarillo fruit is often described as bland, and the pulp is often described as juicy and sweet or tart. Tamarillos can be eaten raw and added to salads or cooked and used in a variety of your favorite dishes.

What do Tamarillos taste like?

The flesh of the tamarillo is tangy and variably sweet, with a bold and complex flavor, and may be compared to kiwifruit, tomato, guava, or passion fruit. The skin and the flesh near it have a bitter taste and are not usually eaten raw.

Are Tamarillos good for you?

Tree tomato juice is a good source of vitamin A. Tamarillo or tree tomatoes, locally known as 'ibinyomoro' are fruits loved by people of all age groups. … Tree tomatoes are also rich in vitamins and mineral salts. They also contain iron and potassium.

What can you do with Tamarillos?

It is usually eaten cooked and can be quite tart when raw, though a sprinkling of sugar can help. Avoid eating the skin, which is bitter, but use the flesh in ice creams or sorbets and serve cooked tamarillo with poultry or fish. You can also use tamarillos in the same way as tomatoes to make sauces or chutney.