
Can you buy morning after pill over the counter?

Can you buy morning after pill over the counter?

You can buy levonorgestrel morning-after pills (like Plan B One-Step, Take Action, and My Way) over the counter without a prescription at drugstores and pharmacies. … You can also get the morning-after pill at many family planning or health department clinics, and Planned Parenthood health centers.

Can I buy the morning after pill?

Getting a prescription for the morning after pill through your GP also makes it free on the NHS. Typically, you can get both types of morning after pill (Levonorgestrel and ellaOne) from GP surgeries, and sometimes an emergency copper coil.

How much is the morning after pill?

ellaOne can be taken within 120 hours (five days) of having unprotected sex, but it's most effective if taken as soon as possible after having unprotected sex. Prices vary, but it's likely to cost around £35. ellaOne can be sold to under 16s without a prescription.

Can you buy morning after pill at Tesco?

Tesco now charges £13.50 for Levonelle, and Superdrug charges £13.49 for a generic version. At Lloyds pharmacy the cost for Levonelle is still £26 and the generic one sells for £28.25. You can get ellaOne from most pharmacies too if you are 16 or over.