Can you be confident and humble at the same time?

Can you be confident and humble at the same time?

It is completely possible to be confident and humble. Yes it is and being humble is an after effect. Being confident is how you approach your situations. Being humble is how you deal with it.

What does humble confidence mean?

It's Called Humble Confidence. … There's a sweet spot, right in the middle – the place where Goldilocks would say, “Just right.” It's an ability to appear confident without arrogance, to be self-effacing while still projecting strength and competence. We call this special quality humble confidence.

Can arrogant be humble?

Arrogant people say they believe in humility but their life says they believe in arrogance. Humility speaks the truth. Arrogance negotiates honesty based on what's best for itself. … People who use anger, bitterness, or feeling offended as fuel to speak the real truth are arrogant, not humble.