Can you bargain at Platinum Mall?

Can you bargain at Platinum Mall?

Yes, you can bargain at the Platinum Mall, how much of a reduction you are likely to get depends on your bargaining skills.

Can you bargain at Chatuchak?

Unlike many of the other tourist markets in the country, Chatuchak is not a place for hard bargaining since all the competition keeps prices reasonable. If you're buying a lot from any one vendor, you may get a 10 – 15 percent discount, but rarely more than that. That said, you should still bargain for items a little.

How do you negotiate a lower price?

Politely ask if the landlord is willing to discuss rent prices and when a good time to talk would be. If you're negotiating price for a new place, it's important to know who you are talking to. A large property company is less likely to negotiate terms, while an independent landlord has more leeway to change prices.

What is a bargain price?

bargain price. From Longman Business Dictionary ˈbargain ˌprice [countable] a low price that is good for the buyerConsumers want top quality paints, but they want them at bargain prices.

Can you negotiate with a hotel?

Haggle with the hotel over the cost of your room. If you call and the hotel quotes you a price, offer 10 to 20 percent less than the first offer. Although some hotels won't budge on rates, many are willing to work with you. The manager may come back with a different price that saves you money.

How do you negotiate a boat deal?

A boat seller expects that the first offer is going to be low. But a rude or extremely low ball offer may disincline them to work with you at all. Make a reasonable, low offer, with the understanding that the price will be negotiated upwards.