Can you avoid killing Toriel?

Can you avoid killing Toriel?

Method 1 You do not have to heal yourself, because the fight with Toriel does not kill you. You will get to one or 2 HP, and an attack where fire balls drop from the top of the box will start, and you cannot hit them even if you try to.

What happens if you spare Toriel?

After being spared enough times, Toriel stops fighting and talks. The option to "Flee" disappears. If the protagonist continues to spare her, she allows the protagonist to leave the Ruins. She asks the protagonist never to return before hugging them and walking back down the corridor.

Does Toriel know Flowey is Asriel?

So if you've completed the pacifist run, then you already know that the sociopathic flower known as Flowey is actually Asriel, the deceased prince and son of Toriel and Asgore. … Asriel, or Flowey rather, informs you about "true reseting" when you reopen the game after completing the pacifist run.

Can you wait for Toriel?

The daring adventures of Toriel and the annoying dog. This happens if you wait and wait and wait (AKA wait 5 minutes) when Toriel asks you to wait. Well, almost all, except for that small part at the end.