
Can I keep 2 discus?

Can I keep 2 discus?

Or just 2 discus? Discus are really herd animals, they live in very large shoals in the wild. If you are thinking of buying young/small discus, you should try to keep at least 5 of them together. They can get really depressed and sick just from the stress of being alone.

Can I keep 3 discus?

As mentioned earlier, the discus fish needs a wide tank to move around and live joyfully with other tank mates. But 3 gallon is just a size of a fish bowl which is not suitable for keeping discus. Even if you want to keep a single fish in that size, it is not recommended.

Why are my discus fighting?

As discus fish mature, the pecking order is usually established and the aggression is less prominent. This can change if an individual is added to the tropical fish aquarium, where the hierarchy may change. … Fighting among tropical fish is normal to a certain degree. It helps strengthen the pair bond.

How many discus Can I put in a 55 gallon tank?

It will have approximately 6 discus in it with No Other Fish! It will have a 10% water change daily(5 Gallons) and a 25% weekly(15 gallons).

How quickly do discus grow?

They grow approximately 2-2.5 inches in 3 months. They grow around 3-4 inches in 5 and a half months and 5.5 inches in a year. Before two years, they are to grow 6-7 inches and become healthy adults. These are the average growth rates of Discus.

How many Discus are in a 125 gallon?

How many discus do you think I could get away with comfortably in a 125 gallon tank? I was thinking on order of 6-8 max. I would go with 6-8 discus, just make sure you have a male/female of each kind (ex.

How many times do discus lay eggs?

When and if the discus spawn in this stage, they will lay eggs every week for up to fifteen weeks. This cycle usually occurs twice a year and can be rigged with careful adjustment of feeding, temperature and water conditions.

How many discus Can I put in a 40 gallon tank?

I recommend you start with 6 – 8 2" discus in a barebottom 40 gallon tank. There's going to be some casualties and discus that size need some company to relax. Starting with fewer fish is problematic since the alpha will pick on all the others.

What is the minimum tank size for discus fish?

As these fish need to be in schools of at least 5, a 50 gallon tank is the smallest tank they will thrive in. They prefer larger tanks, and upwards of 100 gallons means there will be less drastic changes in water conditions and they will have the space they desire. One Discus fish per 7 gallons is ideal.

What temperature should discus be kept at?

The optimum aquarium temperature for Discus is around 82°F – 88°F (28°C-31°C). Note that higher temperatures such as these lower dissolved oxygen and limit the number of fish housed in the aquarium.

How do you make discus grow faster?

Most Juvenile Discus can grow faster with this diet. Freshwater live food is more preferable for them. The number of times you feed your discus fish highly depends on their size. If they are 2-3 inches long, then feeding them every 2 hours is compulsory.

Can you keep discus with other fish?

Discus can often be shy, but this can be helped by surrounding them with a couple of other fish (known as dither fish) that show them they are not in danger. … These fish can't be paired with aggressive fish, and some fish try to eat the Discus' mucus coat which wounds them.

How many discus Can I put in a 45 gallon tank?

You are better off starting with 4-5" fish. Discus require lots of water changes. If you are not willing to do them, don't get discus. I wouldn't put more than 3 discus in a 45 gallon tank.

How many discus Can I put in a 50 gallon tank?

I am new to discus but from what I understand the rule of thumb is 1 adult discus per gallon of water. So you can fit 5. Someone more experienced, please correct me if I am wrong. The rule of thumb is 10gal/adult discus…that would be 5.

What food do discus fish eat?

In aquariums, discus fish eat lots of meaty meals, such as bloodworms, earthworms, brine shrimp, white worms and mosquito larvae. They also feed on cyanobacteria such as spirulina, which helps intensify their coloration. Discus fish generally consume flakes handily, but never make them the focus of their feeding plans.

What fish can I keep with discus?

Some suitable aquarium mates include cardinal tetras, neons, emperor and rummynose tetras as well as clown loaches and dwarf cichlids, such as rams and Apistogramma species. All of these fish tolerate the high temperatures and low pH/hardness required by discus.

How many discus Can I put in a 70 gallon tank?

I'm currently keeping 9 discus in a medium planted, low tech, 70 gal tank which also contains just a small number of cardinals and rasboras combined, one SAE and 3 Cories.

How many discus Can I put in a 30 gallon tank?

A 30-gallon tank size is ideal for 3 discus fish. You can keep them, breed them and care for them in the best manner by cleaning their tank regularly.

How many Discus are in a 75 gallon?

the general rule is 10 gals per fish for discus. your tank is fine for six.

How many discus Can I put in a 90 gallon tank?

Please do not stick 15 to 30 Discus in your 90 gallon, something like 10 should be the MAX.

How many discus is 60 gallons?

It's not a fish for beginners by any means. This fish can grow to 8 inches in length and height. It's a pretty big discus fish and it requires 55 gallons of space per fish. Therefore, if we are talking about a 60 gallon tank, you can only fit 1 royal red discus fish into it.

What is the pH level for discus fish?

Discus prefer warm, soft, acidic water. pH should be between 6.0 and 7.0, with hardness between 1° and 4° dKH (18 to 70 ppm).

How many Discus are in a 200l tank?

i used to have 4 discus in my 200l (45g) tank.

Can discus live with African cichlids?

No. They require different water conditions and most African cichlids are far too aggressive. Discus are best kept alone or with peaceful South American fish like tetras and rams.

How many discus Can I put in a 150 gallon tank?

Your tank even if planted, can eventually, & safely accommodate 12 to 15 good-sized discus, particularly if you don't have a 'multitude' of other dither fish.

How long do discus fish live in a tank?

When starting a Discus fish aquarium expect them to be part of your life for a while. With proper care Discus fish will live an average 6 to 8 years.

Is discus fish aggressive?

No, they are actually very calm and peaceful. However, they do need a group of familiar discus fish around them. If they don't bond with their tank mates, discus fish could possibly die. Also, malnutrition and breeding are two scenarios in which they'll become aggressive and highly competitive.

How many discus can be in a 250 Litre tank?

The general rule is 10g/discus when you get above a 30g. So, I would 5-6 discus (optimum number as well), the best of the two being 5 since your going to be going away. Juvenille discus should be fed 3-6 times daily, 3 being the best in planted tanks since you won't be doing daily waterchanges.

How many Discus are in a 180 Litre tank?

So we recommend an aquarium of 180 litres as an absolute minimum size, and in this you can house a group of 10 juvenile Discus.

At what size do Discus start breeding?

9-13 months on average. It differs between males and females, females usually take less time than males.

How much does discus cost?

Cost varies by strain and where it came from. At a LFS, you will find that they range from $40-$150 with some much higher (especially a discus specialty store).