Can be so distracting because drivers need to look away from the road and use their hands?

Can be so distracting because drivers need to look away from the road and use their hands?

The reasoning behind why texting and driving can be so distracting, even more distracting than talking on a cell phone, is two-fold. First and foremost, drivers need to look away from the road and use their hands when typing a message.

When can you cross a solid yellow line?

Yellow lines mean that vehicles on each side of the yellow line must travel in opposite directions. A yellow line should always be on the driver's left side. Solid yellow lines, single or double, indicate that passing is not permitted. Broken yellow lines indicate that passing is permitted.

What is the most important factor to consider when passing?

Carefully check traffic in all directions. when deciding whether to pass a vehicle ahead of you, the most important factor to consider is… the space and time needed to pass.

Where is passing not allowed?

Passing is illegal and unsafe when your line-of-sight is restricted or limited by a curve, hill, or weather conditions, cross-traffic is present, when there is a solid yellow line on your side of the roadway, or a school bus is loading or unloading children. You must constantly be aware of passing vehicles.

How many seconds should you follow behind another driver?

The two-second rule is a rule of thumb by which a driver may maintain a safe trailing distance at any speed. The rule is that a driver should ideally stay at least two seconds behind any vehicle that is directly in front of his or her vehicle.

What are the 4 major speed laws?

The four major speed laws are the Basic Speed Law, Prima facie Speed law, the Maximum Speed Law and the _______. According to the california highway patrol, which of the following is one of the top five types of distractions that result in collisions on California's Highways.

What happens to you when you try to drive when you are drowsy?

What happens to you when you try to drive when you are drowsy? What happens if you are caught driving without insurance? fined up to $200 on your first conviction. In addition, you could have your car impounded (confiscated) and your license suspended.

Why you shouldn’t pass on the right?

Because the right is for slower cars. Often the left lane is full of slow cars too so people will try to pass on the right and end up colliding with a slower car because they didn't see it or because that slower car is slowly switching lanes as the jet also enters that lane.

How far do you have to be able to see oncoming traffic in order to safely pass another car?

You do not have enough time to pass the vehicle in front of you and safely return to your lane before confronting oncoming traffic within 200 feet of your vehicle.

Can you cross a dotted yellow line?

(1) Solid yellow line: No passing when solid yellow line is on your side. (2) Double solid lines: No vehicle may pass. (3) Broken yellow line: May pass if movement can be made in safely. Many roads have two or more lanes going in your direction.

When another car is passing you you should?

Passing should be done only where it is legal, when it is necessary, and with extreme caution. Before passing another vehicle on a 2-lane road, do the following: Pass only where it is permitted. Keep a safe following distance behind the vehicle you intend to pass.

What are some points to remember when passing and being passed?

Give yourself at least one vehicle length distance between the front end of your car and the back end of the one you're passing. Avoid being aggressive with your speed and give yourself plenty of time and space between the vehicle. Don't slam on the gas to safely arrive in front of the slow car.

Is it illegal to pass in school zones?

In some school zones, it is illegal to either change lanes or pass a car. This means that if the car in the lane next to you is only doing 15 m.p.h., you can not pass it. … Most drivers are aware of school buses when they are on the road with them, but many drivers aren't.

What’s the general rule for parking on a hill?

Parking on a Hill. Uphill: When headed uphill at a curb, turn the front wheels away from the curb and let your vehicle roll backwards slowly until the rear part of the front wheel rests against the curb using it as a block. Downhill: When you stop your car headed downhill, turn your front wheels toward the curb.

What are the two basic rules for approaching an unmarked intersection?

If two vehicles arrive at the intersection at roughly the same time, the driver of the vehicle on the left must give way to the driver of the vehicle on the right. When making a left turn, yield to all oncoming traffic EVEN if you were the first one to enter the intersection.

When you want to back out of a parking space you should do it slowly and look?

(To back out of an angled parking space, always back slowly and look over your right shoulder as you back up. Also, you will need someone to guide you while you back up from outside of the car.)

What are some of the critical steps in each stage of passing?

Some critical steps in passing include signaling to pass, accelerating at least 10mph faster than the vehicle you are passing and signaling to return to the lane.

What types of drivers are more susceptible to distractions?

Based on findings from the National Highway Safety Traffic Administration (NHTSA), using a phone behind the wheel, whether for texting, calls, social media or otherwise, has the biggest potential for distraction while driving. This is because it combines all three forms of distraction, manual, visual and cognitive.

When turning Should you give proper?

Your signal lets other drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians know your intentions. You must give a proper turn signal at least 100 ft (200 ft in some states, e.g.,Indiana) before turning or changing lanes.

What should you do if there is no gap in the traffic for making a lane change?

If there's no gap to make a lane change, ask for permission by using your turn signal and making eye contact with another driver. Drivers are more likely to cooperate if you treat them courteously. Look for stoppages that could cause you to be stuck in an intersection.

Is it illegal to pass on one way streets?

Passing on the right is only permitted when: The vehicle you are overtaking is making, or is about to make, a left turn. You are driving on a one-way street. You are driving on any road where traffic is restricted to one direction of movement (such as a multiple lane highway)

What does passing mean driving?

Overtaking or passing is the act of one vehicle going past another slower moving vehicle, travelling in the same direction, on a road.

Which distance is the closest you may park when by a fire hydrant?

15 feet is the minimum distance you can park away from a fire hydrant in most municipal codes – which may seem excessively far, especially when every inch of curb in a dense city is so valuable. But there's a good reason for this fire hydrant parking law.

Which of the following is dangerous situation you may encounter when passing?

For instance: An oncoming car in the left-hand lane may speed up or be traveling faster than expected. The car you are passing may speed up. Unexpected road conditions impede your ability to pass.

What vehicle can be powered by an engine and pedals?

Mopeds registered before 17 June 2003, are called legacy mopeds, and are subject to the same rules as class 2 mopeds, but may have a top speed of 30 km/h (19 mph). A moped is considered to be a two-wheeled vehicle that has pedals, a motor which is less than 50 cc (3.1 cu in) and a top speed of 30 km/h (19 mph).

How do you drive when windy?

Passing on the right is what you do when you're on the highway, there's someone in front of you who you want to pass, and you go around and pass them on their right rather than on their left as you normally would.

How far in front of a hill is passing not permitted?

A driver may not pass within 100 feet of, or in the middle of, an intersection. Drivers may not pass on a curve (even a slight curve) when they cannot see far enough to guarantee safety. Drivers may not pass while ascending a hill when they cannot see far enough to pass safely.

Is it best to use the lights when driving in fog?

D. Hazard flashers. If you must drive in foggy conditions, you should use your low beam headlights, as well as your fog lights, if your vehicle has them. High beams direct their light upwards, where it can bounce off the fog and into your eyes, reducing visibility even more.

Is Passing prohibited at intersections?

If no distance is stated, sticking to the “not within 100 feet” rule is advisable. Keep in mind that passing near railroad crossings and intersections is prohibited, even if the vehicle you are passing appears to be stopped for no reason.

When you are driving on a highway that does not have a paved shoulder If your vehicle breaks down?

When you are driving on a highway that does not have a paved shoulder, and your vehicle breaks down you should: A. Try to stop your vehicle with your right wheels off the paved surface of the highway and your left wheels still on the paved surface.