
Can baby cichlids survive in a community tank?

Can baby cichlids survive in a community tank?

While some species of fish are difficult to breed in an aquarium environment, many types of cichlid breed readily in captivity under the right conditions. Large breeds of cichlid can lay hundreds of eggs at a time but, most of the time, only a few fry survive and grow to maturity if left in the community tank.

Can I keep just one cichlid?

They can be kept as a single "wet pet" but he might be lonely since cichlids are rather social fish. If you go with the smaller one you mentioned then you could easily do a pair (m/f) or sometimes two females. Two single males of any species will likely fight a lot.

Can you put angelfish with cichlids?

Many cichlids are aggressive because of their natural environment — the waters these fish live in are teeming with predators and competitors. This being said, it's definitely possible for you to keep several different species of more docile cichlids with angelfish cichlids.

Are there any non aggressive cichlids?

In our experience, these fish are least aggressive when kept with fish that do not look similar to them. And if you've ever kept multiple Yellow Lab Cichlids before, you'll know that they breed like bunnies. Because of this, expect to see them in just about any fish store you come across.

Are cichlids good community fish?

For one thing, most cichlid species tend to be on the large side for aquariums. And because of the very parental protection that makes them so popular, they can be quite aggressive toward other fish species. For that reason, cichlid species have not generally been considered a good choice for the community aquarium.

Which cichlids are community fish?

This difference in metabolism with the goldfish and tropical fish, like cichlids, are not a good match. Bottom line is gold fish are best kept with other gold fish. Cichlids are best kept with other cichlids of similar temperament; aggressive fish with other aggressive fish or docile fish with other docile fish.

Do cichlids attack other fish?

Often one cichlid will chase other fish and possibly even kill other fish. In a small aquarium, there may simply not be enough space for feeding territories for more than one or two cichlids. One of the things that makes cichlids so interesting, namely their parental care, is also what makes them so aggressive.

Can Rainbow Fish live with cichlids?

Melanotaeniid rainbowfish are peaceful yet active, and get along with most similarly sized, non-aggressive fish. Different species can be mixed together and they can also be kept with larger tetras, peaceful barbs, rasboras, danios, catfish and even non-aggressive cichlids such as Kribensis.

How can you tell if a cichlid is male or female?

Most people recommend to keep a cichlid only tank, but a lot of people add other fish and make it work. Most African cichlids grow quite big and are therefore able to eat all tetras. Therefore, one can not keep African cichlids together with tetras.

What cichlids can I keep together?

Bottom-dwelling fish can make good tank mates, as long as they match the cichlids for size and aggression. Good examples are African catfish, they are fast-swimming, large, and aggressive enough to defend themselves. Any small fish (such as tetras) will become a meal.

Are cichlids easy to keep?

Many cichlids will grow to recognize their owners and will become excited at the sight of them. And unlike other species of fish, most cichlids are devoted parents. But not all cichlids are created equal, and some of these fish are exceptionally difficult to keep.

Are Rams community fish?

German Blue Rams are the perfect Cichlids for a community aquarium. These fish can be kept with non-Cichlids and peaceful Dwarf Cichlids. They need a peaceful community as they will struggle in an aggressive tank.

Can you mix cichlids?

Few other fish can get along with cichlids, which generally are toothy, aggressive, and super-territorial. Cichlids are open-water swimmers, and they defend distinct territories. Good tank mates for cichlids are fish that prefer the bottom or sides of the tank, out of the cichlids' way.

What are the most colorful African cichlids?

African Rift Lake Cichlids are among the most colorful, active and hardy freshwater fish in the aquarium hobby. Their colors rival those of many saltwater fish, and their elaborate mating and brood care behavior are fascinating to watch.

Can you keep African and American cichlids together?

If a tank is big enough then more than one type of species could be kept together, but it will be risky. If you are keeping multiple species don't mix African with South American. Species that work best together are small fish from the same area.

Do cichlids eat goldfish?

Cichlids should get most of the nutrition from cichlid food pellets, which are available from pet and aquarium stores. You should make sure you are using food that is specially formulated for cichlids; avoid feeding goldfish food or tropical fish food.

Are there any peaceful cichlids?

Keyhole Cichlid (Cleithracara maronii) – A very peaceful species, the keyhole cichlid grows only 4 to 5 inches in length. These fish are very shy and need to have plenty of hiding places in the tank. These fish have an attractive pattern and they tend to prefer tanks decorated with plenty of rockwork.

What are the least aggressive African cichlids?

As above post Electric Blues and and Electric Yellows are usually known as some of the least aggressive African cichlids. Kribensis tend to get quite aggressive when breeding unlike EBs and EYs.

Can you mix dwarf cichlids?

But yes, quarentine them well and add them when the other fish are well fed and watch out for aggression because the stress will kill many of the dwarfs. We breed a few of these and have never had any trouble mixing rams and cockatoos together in grow out tanks or service account tanks.

Can you mix Malawi and Tanganyika cichlids?

Re: Can you mix Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika cichlids? 1. the african rift lake cichlids have no problem mixing since they re water conditions are nearly identical. it should be 1 fish or less per gallon.

What do cichlids need in a tank?

Check the temperature your African cichlids will need before you bring them home. Tropical fish need warm water that's between 73 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit (23-28 Celsius). Choose an aquarium heater with 5 watts of power for each gallon of water in the aquarium. A large aquarium may need a heater at each end.

Will cichlids eat other fish?

Of coure, you aren't going to be able to keep any small fish with an oscar or other highly predatory cichlid — these cichlids eat other fish for a living so putting in a tetra or a swordtail is just giving them an expensive lunch.

Are African cichlids community fish?

If you're looking for an addition to a peaceful community aquarium, then African cichlids are not for you. These are aggressive fish that should only be kept with other large, aggressive fish. If you're looking to start a tank that is full of color and activity then these fish are the perfect candidates.

Are dwarf cichlids community fish?

Here are the top 10 cichlid species for a community tank: 1. Agassiz's Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma agassizii) – A carnivorous species, Agassiz's dwarf cichlids do well in community tanks as long as they aren't kept with other Apistogrammas or fish small enough to be seen as prey.

How big should a tank be for cichlids?

Set up the aquarium at least 1 day before you add any fish. The minimum size of your aquarium depends on how many cichlids you have and how big they will be as adults. Cichlids that are 6 inches (15 cm) or less need at least a 20-gallon tank. Cichlids up to 8 inches (20 cm) long need at least a 29-gallon tank.

Can you put coral in a cichlid tank?

You can purchase plastic and silicone coral, seaweed and other invertebrates. Many are designed to mimic specific saltwater species. These are intended for saltwater tanks, but there's no reason you can't use them in a tank with cichlids.

Are cichlids tropical fish?

Cichlid. Cichlid, any of more than 1,300 species of fishes of the family Cichlidae (order Perciformes), many of which are popular aquarium fishes. Cichlids are primarily freshwater fishes and are found in tropical America, mainland Africa and Madagascar, and southern Asia.

How often do I feed cichlids?

Feed your cichlid as much food as it will consume in 3 minutes, twice a day. Some species of African cichlids also like vegetable matter and can be given algae wafers, spirulina pellets or plants, like Anacharis, to nibble on.

How many African cichlids can I put in a 30 gallon tank?

The amount of cichlids you can keep depends on the species. 30 gallons is enough for a small cichlid, add another 3 gallons per cichlid that you add.

What size tank do I need for cichlids?

Set up the aquarium at least 1 day before you add any fish. The minimum size of your aquarium depends on how many cichlids you have and how big they will be as adults. Cichlids that are 6 inches (15 cm) or less need at least a 20-gallon tank. Cichlids up to 8 inches (20 cm) long need at least a 29-gallon tank.

Can I put African cichlids with South American cichlids?

If a tank is big enough then more than one type of species could be kept together, but it will be risky. If you are keeping multiple species don't mix African with South American. Species that work best together are small fish from the same area.

Are Peacock cichlids African?

The Peacock Cichlid is a stunning species of fish native to Lake Malawi; it belongs to the Astatotilapia genus. The majority of Cichlids have a reputation for being aggressive, whereas the Peacock Cichlid is fairly peaceful. Males can be territorial, but on the whole they are peaceful and can make good community fish.

How many cichlids can I put in a 20 gallon tank?

If you really want only African Cichlids in a 20 gallon, you could go with a pair of Kribensis. They only get to be about 4" at most.

Can you mix African cichlids?

African cichlids are territorial, so any open-water swimmers are likely to be attacked at some point. If you want to mix them with other fish, they need to occupy different regions of the tank so that they don't enter cichlid territory. Most of the time, only one species of cichlid is kept per tank to avoid fighting.

Do African cichlids eat plants?

Larger cichlid species from the African lakes Malawi and Tanganijka are very popular aquarium fish. If you want to rig up your cichlid tank with aquatic plants, you're facing a problem, because the cichlids don't just eat algae but also higher plants.