
Can an employer force you to buy a cell phone?

Can an employer force you to buy a cell phone?

Generally, an employer can require you to use personal property (like your vehicle, or cell phone) as long as you are properly reimbursed for additional costs incurred when used for work. … However, there's no such thing with cell phone use.

Who owns cell phone number employer or employee?

California law provides anything an employee acquires in the scope of their employment belongs to the employer, especially when the employer gives it to the employee. Therefore, if a company provides an employee a new phone number and pays for the phone service, the phone number belongs to the company.

Do phones teach responsibility?

A cell phone can teach your child responsibility, since she has to learn to care for it, by keeping it charged and in working condition, according to Kids Health. You can also use the phone as a tool to teach your child financial responsibility.