Can a Capricorn and a Capricorn date?

Can a Capricorn and a Capricorn date?

Capricorn compatibility with other star signs So when it comes to compatibility, Capricorns get on best with: Capricorns – as they say, it takes one to know one (aka the ultimate power couple) … Cancer – their opposite sign, and opposites do attract as this connection has an old-school romance kinda vibe.

What are Capricorns like sexually?

Their sex is earthy and straightforward, sometimes lacking in romance and sentimentality. Sometimes Capricorn will surprise you in sex, becoming as aggressive and dominant in asking for what they want in the erotic realm as they are in their profession.

Why are Capricorns so hard to date?

Generally, Capricorn's can have a difficult time opening up and truly showing their emotions. They aim to protect their status and use it as a shield, this is why in some cases they can be workaholics because they don't want to damage their reputation.

Are Capricorns and Capricorns sexually compatible?

Both the Capricorn woman and Capricorn man share the same value on personal ambitions and goals. They may be so practical and responsible that they forget dating is supposed to be fun but they are easily able to make a love match endure. Sexually, things get quite lustful and domineering.