Can a bipolar man fall in love?

Can a bipolar man fall in love?

Falling in love when you're bipolar. If you've ever been in love, you'll know. It's a beautiful, fragile, terrifying thing. At first, it's all giddy intoxication, the feeling of learning to adore another human being, high on the hope that they'll love you back.

Should you date someone with bipolar disorder?

Being in a Relationship with Someone Who Is Bipolar During episodes of depression, your partner may avoid sexual contact altogether. This can be confusing or feel like rejection, especially if your partner recently desired lots of sexual activity during a manic or hypomanic period.

Can bipolar disorder ruin relationships?

He adds that not everyone with bipolar disorder experiences the distinct mood phases of mania and depression. But when those episodes do occur they can wreak havoc on a relationship. During the manic phase, a person can lose his or her sense of judgment.