At what age should you grow up?

At what age should you grow up?

Science shows that human brains are not fully mature until ages 25–28! As we know many learn to act like what societies idea of an adult is at younger ages. I was 18 with a baby I had no choice but to grow up. I would say for girls it's 16–25 and men 21–30.

What it means to grow up?

Growing up means learning to accept responsibility for consequences of your actions and don' not point fingers and insist everything bad that happens to you is somebody else's fault. … Making mistakes, LEARNING from those mistakes, and having failures is ALL part of growing up.

Why do people tell me to grow up?

Often, when they tell you to grow up, it's because they don't know what else to say or don't have a better idea. So when they tell you to grow up, maybe that means you're really on to something. Don't grow up in the way they want you to. … Either way, there are great ideas out there, so never stop searching for them.