Are there sounds that attract cats?

Are there sounds that attract cats?

Scientists have developed the purr-fect music for cats after discovering they hate the sound human songsmiths make. Researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the US claim they have composed a tune that actually has a positive effect on pets.

How can I attract my cats back home?

Use strong smelling canned cat food that your cat can smell from a distance so your cat knows where to go for food. Also, put your cat's litter box and any bedding that has your cat's scent on it outside to attract your cat back to your home.

Why is this cat hanging around my house?

Any food scraps given to the cats is going to be the reason for them to stick around. Overall, having cats around your home is not necessarily a bad thing. As mentioned earlier, it could mean that you have a plentiful supply of rodents, a warm place for them to sleep, or you live in a cat-friendly environment.