Are Geographers in demand?

Are Geographers in demand?

What Is the Job Demand for Geographers? The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the demand for geographers will rise by 29%, which is much faster than average job growth. However, due to the small size of the field, this means that only 500 jobs will be added by 2022.

Is geography a good career?

As geography students complete higher degrees, their career opportunities expand. For example, GIS specialists can pursue roles as GIS managers. Earning a geography degree also prepares graduates for careers in nontraditional areas, including conservation, urban planning, and environmental research.

What are 10 careers in geography?

A geography is far less useful than a degree that will point you in a specific direction – such as one in law, medicine, dentistry or even engineering. … Few geography graduates end up finding work that is directly relevant to their degree for a simple reason: too many geography graduates, too few geography-related jobs.

How much money do geographers make?

On average, geographers earn more than most people. The median annual income in the field was $74,760 as of May 2012 – nearly twice as much as the median of $34,756 for all U.S. jobs. The bottom 10 percent of earners in geography took home a median of $41,910, while the top 10 percent made $103,870.

What career can I do with geography?

Studying geography can provide an individual with a holistic understanding of our planet and its systems. Those who study geography are better prepared to understand topics impacting our planet such as climate change, global warming, desertification, El Nino, water resource issues, among others.

Is GIS a growing field?

Yes and no. Like some other answerers have pointed out, GIS is a continually growing field, but sadly GIS education lags a decade or so behind market demand and as such GIS students are not prepared to work in the industry. … The role of a GIS analyst today is more techy than academic programs make it.

Can you become a geologist with a geography degree?

What might you find on a geology degree? At undergraduate level, geology is often studied alongside geography, engineering or as part of an earth sciences degrees. … There are many other modules that may be included in a geology course and it is always worth checking out what individual universities offer.

What course can I study with geography?

To understand basic physical systems that affect everyday life (e.g. earth-sun relationships, water cycles, wind and ocean currents). To learn the location of places and the physical and cultural characteristics of those places in order to function more effectively in our increasingly interdependent world.

How much does a map maker make?

A Cartographer or Photogrammetrist will usually earn wages that can range from 48000 to 72000 based on tenure and industry expertise. Cartographers and Photogrammetrists earn average salaries of Sixty One Thousand Eight Hundred dollars per year.