
Are first floor apartments dangerous?

Are first floor apartments dangerous?

Since first-floor apartments tend to stay cooler, it may cost more to heat your apartment in the winter. It's worth mentioning noise again, because it can also be seen as a negative for renters and owners. If your apartment faces the street, you may have to deal with more noise than the apartments above you.

How do I prevent breaks in apartments?

Living in a ground-floor apartment often gets a bad rap in NYC—with good reason. Being on the lower level of a building means you'll have less privacy, especially if your windows face the street, and less natural light. Plus, you'll be closer to noises, smells, and potential pest problems and security issues.

Is it safe to live in a ground floor apartment?

Security: Depending on the layout of the building and its built-in security measures, basement and ground floor apartments can pose a higher risk of criminal activity and break-ins than apartments on higher levels.

Can you put extra locks on apartment doors?

If you want to feel safer while you're in your apartment, adding an additional lock to your apartment door that works like a door jammer will do the job. If you're worried about people using old keys to get in while you're out, then a full lock replacement might be in order.

Can you get a ring doorbell for apartments?

Ring's latest video doorbell attaches to the peephole on a front door, making it suitable for renters or apartment residents who often cannot drill into the wall next to the door. Announced at CES, the Ring Door View Cam delivers live high-definition video with the same features as Ring's other doorbells.