Are eyelash curlers bad for your eyelashes?

Are eyelash curlers bad for your eyelashes?

If you use them correctly, eyelash curlers are perfectly safe. Heating the curler, tugging at the lashes, or using a curler that is loose can cause damage. … Mascaras only enhance the curl of your eyelashes. You can still curl your eyelashes and leave them bare.

Is it bad to curl your eyelashes everyday?

You're worried that using your eyelash curler every day will cause your eyelashes to fall out. As long as you're using a clean curler and curling instead of crimping, experts say it's totally safe to use your eyelash curler every single day.

When should I replace my eyelash curler?

Eyelash curlers are not meant to last a lifetime and as a rule, should be replaced or have its pads replaced at minimum once every 12 months. The little pad on the curler that you place beneath your eyelashes wears down over time.