
Are discus easy to keep?

Are discus easy to keep?

Wild caught discus can be challenging to keep, due to their specialized water chemistry and dietary needs, however, most discus sold today are captive bred and are much easier to keep. That said, they are not for beginners for a variety of reasons.

How many discus should be kept together?

The rule of thumb for how many discus you can keep together doesn't necessarily apply to everyone but is 1 discus for every 10 gallons of water. Therefore if you follow that rule you can only keep 10 full size discus in a 100 gallon tank.

Can you keep angels and discus together?

It is indeed right to say that the angelfish and discus fish can live together although some precautionary measures need to be put in place. Apart from that, the two species of fish share a lot in common. The two thrive in nearly the same tank conditions in terms of water temperature, pH and water hardness.

Can I keep discus in a community tank?

A good starting place for a discus community tank in which you plan to keep a group of 6 discus fish plus a community of smaller tetras or other community fish is a minimum of 100 gallons. Though most members of the cichlid family have aggressive tendencies, discus fish are generally peaceful in the home aquarium.