Are asters easy to grow from seed?

Are asters easy to grow from seed?

Asters are classic flowers that typically bloom in late summer and fall. You can find potted aster plants at many garden stores, but growing asters from seed is easy and less expensive. Plus, if you grow from seed, you can choose from endless varieties instead of just whatever is available at the garden center.

Can asters be grown indoors?

There is much to recommend about asters: they are fast-growing and have great flowers. The main problem indoors will be light; asters need a lot of light, and if you can't provide enough, they will become leggy and not flower as much. To encourage better blooms, pinch off old flowers as they begin to fade.

How long does it take to grow asters from seed?

4 to 6 weeksWhile asters can be grown from seed, germination can be uneven. You can start the seeds indoors during the winter by sowing seeds in pots or flats and keeping them in the refrigerator for 4 to 6 weeks to simulate winter dormancy. Sow seeds one inch deep. After 4 to 6 weeks, put the seeds in a sunny spot in your home.

Do slugs like asters?

Nevertheless, some plant families are particularly resistant towards slugs, such as the following: geranium. phlox. aster.