
Are 1st floor apartments safe?

Are 1st floor apartments safe?

A first floor apartment, especially with windows facing the street, can present some issues with privacy. While it will always be an issue, you can mitigate it with good blinds and curtains, making one of the biggest drawbacks much more manageable. … There's a lot to be said for ground floor apartments.

How can I make my home safe from intruders?

The most secure place to install a safe would be at the corner where two outside walls meet. This provides the most protection and support for a heavy safe. In a house that has multiple levels, it's best to keep the safe on the ground floor.

Is ground floor apartment safe?

Living in a ground-floor apartment often gets a bad rap in NYC—with good reason. Being on the lower level of a building means you'll have less privacy, especially if your windows face the street, and less natural light. Plus, you'll be closer to noises, smells, and potential pest problems and security issues.