Why was the Articles of Confederation called a firm league of friendship?

Why was the Articles of Confederation called a firm league of friendship?

Article III described the confederation as “a firm league of friendship” of states “for their common defence, the security of their liberties, and their mutual and general welfare.” This league would have a unicameral congress as the central institution of government; as in the past, each state had one vote, and

Which document created a firm league of friendship?

there was The Articles of Confederation — in effect, the first constitution of the United States. Drafted in 1777 by the same Continental Congress that passed the Declaration of Independence, the articles established a "firm league of friendship" between and among the 13 states.

What three reasons are given for the states entering a firm league of friendship?

established " a firm league of friendship among the states. The states came together" for their common defense, the security of their liberties, and their mutual and general welfare.