
Why was SevenSuperGirls Cancelled?

Why was SevenSuperGirls Cancelled?

Closure. The owner of the channels, Ian Rylett was jailed on August 17, 2018, due to alleged sexual exploitation. All the channels from the network, including SevenSuperGirls, were demonetized following his arrest.

Why did the YouTube channel SevenSuperGirls get deleted?

The SevenSuperGirls channel was deleted after 55-year-old Rylett, a British citizen, alleged verbally abused a young girl, making her undress in front of him and made her chest area appear smaller for videos. The underaged girl also claimed that he touched her breasts and told her to remove her underwear.

How does Haley Pham make money?

So is the case for Haley Pham, as most of her earnings and incomes come from YouTube. The subscribers and viewers count of her has risen significantly over the years. Currently, she has more than 2.22 million subscribers on her channel with an average of 2,813,850 views daily.

What is Ashley Bestdressed salary?

Bestdressed Net Worth – $550,000 Bestdressed is a popular fashion YouTube channel created by an American YouTuber named Ashley who is based in Los Angeles, California. She has an estimated net worth of $550,000. Her content is mainly about fashion, thrifting, DIYs, and other misadventures of a college student.

Is Haley Pham mixed?

Haley Pham Is Of Vietnamese Descent Haley was born to her anonymous parents in Austin, Texas. Haley’s parents are divorced. Following the divorce, her mother who she refers to as ‘Mamma Pham’ lost her job. As many entertainment news portals reported, she inherited Vietnamese heritage from her family.

How much does Haley Pham make per video?

The channel has over 2 million subscribers as of 2018 and has accumulated over 150 million views so far. It is able to get an average 150,000 views per day from different sources. This should generate an estimated revenue of around $600 per day ($220,000 a year) from the ads that appear on the videos.

Did Haley Pham buy a house?

Haley (pham, you know her–my perfect girlfriend) and I bought a house together last October, and it is the biggest blessing in the world. We have a beautiful view in the mornings, so I wake up about 30 minutes before the crack of dawn and brew my morning cup of joe.

How much does Ryan Trahan make annually?

The channel has over 3 million subscribers as of 2020 and has accumulated over 300 million views so far. It is able to get an average of 400,000 views per day from different sources. This should generate an estimated revenue of $2,000 per day ($730,000 a year) from the ads that appear on the videos.

How old is Haley Pham fiance?

How old are Haley Pham and Ryan Trahan? Both Youtubers are still very young, and the title of Haley’s most recent Youtube video is in fact, “Why I got engaged at 19”. Haley said she made the video to capture her feeling of excitement and that she “can’t wait to watch it back”.

Did Haley and Ryan break up?

The couple quickly realized that they couldn’t live without each other, and their break ended after one night. Haley and Trahan have learned how to effectively deal with issues in their relationship, and it has helped them build a strong union.

How long have Ryan and Haley dated?

She began dating YouTuber Ryan Trahan in late 2018 and in 2019, she and Ryan launched a collaborative YouTube channel called The Traphamily. They got engaged in May 2020 and wed six months later.

Is Haley Pham in school?

She’s Dating a Fellow YouTuber He’s a runner, and he attended college at Texas A&M University. She’s from Austin, so their Texas roots are keeping them pretty close together.

What city does Ryan Trahan live in?


What did Haley Pham say about Greece?

“I highly discourage you from going to Greece,” Pham said in the video. “Not only are they economically struggling and just the government is struggling right now, but it’s just like not fun.”

Is Haley Pham waiting until marriage?

“We are waiting until marriage, because that’s a promise that I made to myself and to God when I was super, super young. That’s just a value that I hold, and it’s not something that I say that people should do. It’s just valuable to me,” she said. “We’re definitely not doing it for the sex.”

What race is Haley Pham?

Haley was born in Texas on the 5th of December 2000. She is a native American and part of the white ethnicity….Quick Wikis.

Real Name Haley Pham
Birthplace USA
Zodiac Sign Sagittarius
Nationality American
Ethnicity White

Why is Mai Pham famous?

Mai Pham is a Canadian YouTube star famous for her beauty and travel videos on her YouTube channel ‘maiphammy’. Besides travel, lifestyle and makeup vlogs, she also posts about beauty transformation, daily life, high school, volleyball and room clean-up videos.