Why is my teenager so quiet?

Why is my teenager so quiet?

It is not uncommon for teens to quieten down in the initial years of adolescence. Parents begin to panic because they think that the silence and the lack of communication on their teenager's part means that their child has started doing something wrong and is keeping quiet because he is hiding something from them.

How can I help my introverted child at school?

Review school expectations at the start of each new year. Establish consistent home-school communication and speak with the teacher about your child's temperament early. Help your introverted children find respite during the day. Teach them about their need for calm moments, and teach them how to get it.

Why is my child introverted?

If your child tends to be more cautious and reserved than her extroverted peers, rest assured that there's a biological reason for it. Introverts often feel overwhelmed or anxious in new environments and around new people.