Why is my 13 year old boy so angry?

Why is my 13 year old boy so angry?

Moodiness and anger in teenage boys is a common issue that parents deal with. It often stems from a teen's desire to be more independent from his parents and his frustration that he can't yet enjoy the freedoms of an adult. That frustration is sometimes expressed in anger and striking out verbally at parents.

Are teenage meltdowns normal?

This is a normal part of adolescence. This is a normal part of the transition from childhood to adulthood. And for some kids, the transition is hard. Tantrums are unacceptable behavior, but you will remain calm and deal with them more effectively when you understand why they are happening.

How do you calm down an angry teenager?

Instead of reasoning with, arguing with or yelling at a teenager, take a moment to calm yourself. Say silently to yourself "my teen is distressed". Then out loud – say something caring and supportive. "I'm really sorry you are feeling this, it must feel pretty awful to be so upset."

What is normal for teenage behavior?

Spending more time with friends and less time with family is very normal teenage behavior. It means that your teen is shifting his or her circle of support to peers and away from parents and siblings. While it might feel hurtful, this is a necessary stage of development and should be expected and even encouraged.

Is taking your child’s phone a good punishment?

When phones are taken away as punishment, Dr. Peters says, kids tend to withdraw from the parent. They don't talk to the parent. You're really setting yourself up for a dishonest teen because they need that contact and will resort to sneaky behavior to get it.”