Why is Jesus called the bridegroom?

Why is Jesus called the bridegroom?

The reason being that when God became man in Jesus Christ, Israel's expectation for God the bridegroom becomes fulfilled. Indeed, Jesus is the bridegroom, the Church is His bride and His disciples are the wedding guests, while John the Baptist stands tall as His best man.

What is the synonym of bridegroom?

Synonyms of 'bridegroom' We toasted the bride and groom. newly-wed. marriage partner. spouse.

What’s the definition of bridegroom?

A bridegroom (often shortened to groom) is a man who will soon be or has recently been married. A bridegroom is typically attended by a best man and groomsmen.

What is the difference between groom and bridegroom?

A bridegroom (usually shortened to groom) is a man who is about to be married, or who has just been married. The female partner is known as the bride, who is typically attended by one or more bridesmaids and a maid or matron of honor. A bridegroom is typically attended by a best man and groomsmen.